Thursday, September 10, 2015

Where is My Dissertation?

I got my PhD with zero journal paper published or accepted. Since then, I have been wondering how many journal papers can eventually be published out of my dissertation. I think today, the end of the first five-year period, is a good time to check it out.

The list below maps the original chapters and sections to my papers:
The dissertation itself has been cited 41 times according to GoogleScholar

As I mentioned in the blog post (The Gap between Academic Research and Industry Needs) two years ago, the first two papers written from my dissertation materials were rejected by a journal in 2010. I got negative comments from 10 reviewers, of which most are nonsense. One of the reviewers loved to use the word "garbage" in the review comments. 

A couple of months ago, I got another rejection from the same journal. The similar garbage-style review comments showed up again. Shame on me - I should have stopped sending papers to this journal. Instead of yelling back to the editor-in-chief, I stayed calm this time and moved on, with the hope that the journal can clean up the garbage reviewers.

At least, the editor and editor-in-chief should do their homework: clean up the garbage comments before sending them out to the authors. 


  1. Hi Tao, I have a question on your dissertation. When you use interaction variables of the type [Day*Hour] are you referring to the interaction set of 6 dummy variables for the days and 23 dummy variables for the hours or is it just two columns one for the day and one for the hour multiplied to produce the new interaction term?

  2. I implemented this in SAS, where I had two columns (day and hour). After specifying both variables as "class" variables, SAS can do the interaction operations as if it is creating 168 (actually 167, the estimate for the168th variable is zero) indicator variables.

  3. OK, thank you for the prompt response. I'll have to check out how SAS does this, but one more thing: instead of 168-1 (7*24-1) why shouldn't it be 138 (6*23) i.e. using one variable less than the class count?

  4. That depends on whether you put Hour and Day as main effects. If you do not have Hour and Day as individual main effects, an interaction between Hour and Weekday basically creates another class variable "HourOfWeek". Since there are 168 hours in a week, you will get estimates for 167 indicator variables.


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