Friday, December 21, 2012

2012 Greetings from IEEE Working Group on Energy Forecastin​g

How time flies! IEEE Working Group on Energy Forecasting has just gone through another productive year. In 2012, we have completed the following activities:
  • We organized two very well-attended panel sessions at PESGM2012. The list of 15 topics can be found HERE. All panel papers and/or presentations have been published at IEEE Xplore. 
  • We organized Global Energy Forecasting Competition (GEFCom2012), which attracted hunderds of participants from all over the world.
What to expect in 2013?
  • We will organize two panel sessions at PESGM2013 with 18 state-of-the-art presentations.
  • There will be a few post-GEFCom2012 activities, which can be found HERE.
  • We will complete the review process for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Special Issue for Energy Forecasting with Applications to Smart Grid.
You are welcome to join the group on LinkedIn by clicking HERE

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all and your families!

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