Sunday, August 12, 2012

IEEE PES Financially Sponsors GEFCom2012 with $18,000

Due to large scale deployment of smart meters, increasing penetration of renewable energy resources and aging workforce, the utility industry is facing challenges in the field of energy forecasting. To help the industry improve forecasting practices, Power Systems Planning and Implementation Committee (PSPI) and Power and Energy Education Committee (PEEC) are co-sponsoring the Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2012 (GEFCom2012), which is being organized by IEEE Working Group on Energy Forecasting, a working group under PSPI Committee. The competition will bring together the state-of-the-art techniques for energy forecasting, serve as the bridge to connect academic research and industry practice, promote analytics in power engineering education, and prepare the industry to overcome forecasting challenges in the smart grid world.
The competition includes two tracks: load forecasting and wind forecasting.
The winning entries will be determined by the award committee, which is formed by internationally recognized researchers and practitioners in the field, based on forecasting accuracy, clarity of documentation, rigors of the approach, interpretability of the models and practicality to the industry. IEEE Power & Energy Society has approved $18,000 to financially sponsor the event. The funding will be used to cover awards and operational expenses. The candidates will be required to attend PESGM2013 and present the proposed methodologies to be eligible to receive the awards.
Please fill in the Call For Participants to subscribe our email list if you are interested in joining GEFCom2012 ( 80+ people from 27 countries have already signed up. We will distribute the instructions through the email list as the launching date (8/31/2012) is approaching.
For more information, please contact Dr. Tao Hong ( or visit

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